As I have gained revelation of the amazing grace of our God I have been challenged with the words “ beyond your walls”. As I have understood grace I have realised that apart from freeing us it does two other things:It compels
It empowers
The freeing grace of God compels us to tell others about Him and empowers us to live a life that reflects and demonstrates His glory. How can we hold such a message and be filled with God the Spirit and not be moved to get out into the streets and nations? This message and the power of the kingdom inside of us by the Holy Spirit cannot be held within our walls, it is not for local consumption. If I am so freed by revelation of my position in Christ, surly others need to hear this message as well. We cannot sit around in our churches if we have gained this revealed truth, if we have understood the mystery of the gospel, Christ in us.
I would like to just clear that motivation comes from “the place of already being” and not from a place of “trying to get to”. If there are believers that are motivated by the desire to earn anything from God, be it His love, His pleasure, His blessings, His anointing, His Spirit etc. by going out, then they need to be stopped and taught about the grace of God first so that they do it out of a place of knowing their position and not out of works.
Some may say “Paul never taught that people need to go out preach and demonstrate the kingdom”. To that statement I would like to answer with these two statements: 1. Paul preached grace but he did model going. How would he be able to preach grace and demonstrate with “extra-ordinary miracles” across the then known world if he had not gone beyond the walls. 2. We are disciples of Jesus and Jesus gave us instructions to “GO”. He said in Matt 10: 7-9 “ As you go, preach this message: the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons”. Matt 28: 18-19 “... All authority has been given to Me. Therefore go...” Mark 16: 15 “ He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the good news... Verse 17 ... In my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues,... They will place their hands on sick people and they will get well”. Acts 1: 8 “ But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses...”Those are just a few scriptures that show that it is on Gods heart that we are a people that go beyond the walls.
My experience as I have understood Gods grace in its freedom is that I have got to know my Father and my Lord Jesus in a more intimate way. I have also become more intimate with the Holy Spirit who is in me. I have had revelation of what a wonderfully loving God we have, yet how Holy and Perfect and Righteous He is. But in this revelation I have experienced such freedom and I have experienced the power of God moving through a human being, an unworthy, dirty Bluff boy, that it has compelled me to take this gospel both in proclamation and demonstration into the community, the city and the nations, to tell others about our wonderful God and to model the life of Jesus being manifested in me by the Holy Spirit- “ How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him”
This has been resonating in my spirit. I want to take this amazing message of Gods grace and tell others about Him; and with the power of the Holy Spirit, given to us only because of our standing in Christ, heal those who have been oppressed by the devil.
The sign of grace in our lives is that we live free, that we are compelled an empowered by the Holy Spirit to tell others about our God and show others His glory.
God Bless,
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